Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices (ALDs) help people with hearing difficulties. Especially in difficult to hear places with a lot of background noise.

They reduce background noise at the same time as amplifying the sound that we want to hear. This process helps those with hearing issues in a big way.

They are also very good for all-round use. You can use them at home, in schools or even at your local pub!

An additional advantage of ALDs is that they can easily connect to other devices you may already own. This means that you can use them with compatible TVs and smartphones, via a bluetooth connection.

Assistive Listening Table Microphone by Starkey
Assistive Listening Device – Table Microphone, by Starkey

Assistive listening devices definitely help the hard of hearing communicate more easily. Ultimately it can improve their quality of life by removing any sense of isolation felt by not being able to easily join in.

Assistive listening devices include:

  • TV Transmitter
  • Remote Control
  • Remote Mic
  • Mini Mic
  • Table Mic

Please make an appointment today and find out more about the device that best improve your life.

Our qualified staff can talk you through how any of these devices can work for you.

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